Tags archives: oscar





Oscar Mayer Weirdo

GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE *snort* If you’ve been out on a spirit journey or otherwise incapacitated for the last week, New York Representative Anthony Weiner has come under attack for allegedly tweeting a photo of his, ahem, namesake to a Seattle-area girl. Most believe it to be a hoax orchestrated by the conservative Andrew Breitbart website Big Government. However, Weiner himself attested that he couldn’t “say with certitude” that he is not the person in the photo.




The Oscar Reviews Are In: BAD AWARD SHOW IS BAD

I got nothin’ but love for James and Anne, but it seems like the general consensus following the Oscars was that the show was a flop. The NY Times writes: “Distracted and blase’”, while The Hollywood Reporter said Franco straight-up “Bombed”. Not good… Also worth mentioning, one TV exec was quoted as saying: This was a disaster


Late Night Adorable Guess Who!

It’s been a little bit since a good old-fashioned “Guess Who!” has come along, but I think I found a winner here. This actor is just so damn adorable with that rad flat-top mullet thing I can hardly live! Pro tip: this actor was nominated for an Oscar this year for his supporting role in “The Town”. Good luck! Via charethcutestory Jeremy Renner! Submitted by: Unknown