Tags archives: other-one


TLL Classics: Jack Layton Totally Looks Like The Video Professor

Jack Layton NDP Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition Totally Looks Like The Video Professor John Scherer One leads a political party that dominated the Liberals and Bloc Québécois in last month’s Canadian federal election (promotion!). The other one lead a company that dominated the Microsoft Word training and infomercial fields (bankruptcy!).



surfme border

Hello guys, i know the new border sucks but i made it in like 3 seconds? i had to change it because the other one made me dizzy for some reason. Anyways im tired so i’ll make a new and wayyy better one when im not tired okay? please leave some ideas and comments for a new border, maybe got some samples ? thanks.


leaked tongue picture of demi

A really cute picture of Demi Lovato (old?) leaked on the internet. I’m not sure who’s shes with. But a few people is saying thats not demi but being honest, if this was a poser, then she looks EXACTLY like Demi. But its official, Demi has the longest tongue ever!