Tags archives: point









Attack of the Hipsters

It’s great to take care of your facial hair, but when it’s trimmed and sculpted to the point where every single hair is standing to attention like a soldier in a 200,000-strong army, the effect just makes me want to retreat. Submitted by: powerpooch



Sleep with One Eye Open, PANTS

Fashion Fail - Apple Bottom Jeans?
Submitted by: dunno source via Submission Page

Sometimes pants look like they’re too tight, occasionally to the point of discomfort.

But these pants look like they have an active vendetta against their owners. These pants look like jerks. If I saw them walking down the street, I would punch them.

Of course, then I’d probably get arrested for punching an unsuspecting woman in the thigh. But it would be worth it. Stupid pants. *shakes fist*