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With Politicians in Paris Discussing Climate Change, This 'Brandalism' Group Hung Clever Ads Challenging the Corporate Presence

The BrandalismProject, is a self-declared anti-advertisement art movement and has claimed responsibility for over 600 fake advertisements recently installed throughout Paris. The driving force behind the group’s effort is the beginning of the UN Climate Change Conference.

“Amidst the French state of emergency banning all public gatherings following the terrorist attacks on 13 November in Paris, the ‘Brandalism’ project has worked with Parisians to insert unauthorized artworks across the city that aim to highlight the links between advertising, consumerism, fossil fuel dependency and climate change,” BrandalismProject said in a statement.

The project is a collaboration between 80 artists from 19 different countries and the targets include AirFrance, Dow Chemicals, and Volkswagen, which is getting a lot of attention for perpetrating an environmental fraud.