Failbook: How DARE Michael Plagiarize the King of Pop! Everyone! Please give a warm round of applause for Amanda Bieber, our reigning troll champion. PinterestFacebookTwitter
School of Fail: Engineering 350: Why Else Would You Take On that Major? Another acceptable answer would be “To build Thor’s hammer.” PinterestFacebookTwitter
Monday Thru Friday: Go Ahead, I Dare You! Oops, my scanner’s broken. Looks like that renders the monetary and economic value of the goods you’re purchasing moot! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Music FAILS: Request DENIED For DJs, Call Me Maybe is to 2012 as the Macarena is to the entire ’90s. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Friday Picspam: Oh Holy Checking Account OK despite this lead picture the majority of this is gonna be Kim Jong-Il jokes. Just a warning. Oh, so that’s how it happened. PinterestFacebookTwitter