Tags archives: sex-toys






Protest of The Day: Texas Students Will Carry Sexy Toys Around to Speak Out Against Guns

Protest of The Day: University of Texas Students Will Carry Dildos Around to Speak Out Against Guns

You dildon’t want to miss out on this protest.

In response to a new law passed in Texas that allows students to carry concealed guns on campus, some students at The University of Texas at Austin are planning a very unique way to speak out.

A Facebook event using the hashtag #CocksNotGlocks is encouraging students to strap sex toys onto their backpacks August 2016 to protest.

Event organizer Jessica Jin had this to say about the protest:

“‘You’re carrying a gun to class? Yeah well I’m carrying a HUGE D*LDO,'” she said in the group’s description. “Just about as effective at protecting us from sociopathic shooters, but much safer for recreational play.”

If you say so, Jessica.