Tags archives: social-media



An Epic Facebook Meme War is Waging Between LaCroix Coconut AND Pamplemousse

war,list,failbook,Memes,facebook,social media,la croix

There is a war going on between LaCroix fans and it’s tearing friends, families, and even offices (Cheezburger) apart.

The obvious leader in this sparking water civil war is the Pamplemousse Facebook page. Mostly because Team Coconut seems to be stealing its rival’s memes and Photoshopping coconut all over them.

*Team Coconut’s legion of Facebook followers is hurting, even though most would argue that Coconut LaCroix has the superior flavor.

Are you Team Coconut or Team Pamplemousse?



Commenters Correctly Diagnosed a Woman With a Rare Genetic Disorder

image medicine social media Commenters Correctly Diagnosed a Woman With a Rare Genetic Disorder

This woman posted a photo gallery of her story on Imgur which led to a diagnosis of a genetic disease that affects connective tissues called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). She explains the backstory in the description of the follow up picture post:

Five months ago, I posted “The Story Of A Broken Dancer.” In this post, I told the story of how all I’ve ever wanted was to be a professional dancer, but that countless injuries and unexplained medical issues were coming in between me and my dream. Well, after posting this, hundreds of Imgurians commented on the post and messaged me saying I should look at different conditions or diseases they thought I had, but one that I received overwhelmingly was “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Hyper Mobility Type III.” I looked into it and decided it was worth a shot to get the testing done, and as of this morning, I have been officially confirmed to have EDS.

You can look through her original gallery right here:

Story Of A Broken Dancer




A Man's Phone Was Swarmed by People Texting Chipotle, at Least He Got a Free Burrito

burritos chipotle texts A Man's Phone Was Swarmed by People Texting Chipotle, at Least He Got a Free Burrito

A man got over 300 texts from people trying to cash in on Chipotle’s free burrito special. They were supposed to text RAINCHECK to 888-222 but several people have added an extra 2 and sent texts to Henry Levine instead.

He told the Washington Post, “The first thing I did was get my free burrito, because I don’t dislike burritos”. What a sensible person. Then he started texting back the super fans who sent him more than one message to tell them they had the wrong number.

via Washington Post

Since then he’s become a social media sensation and he appears to be on a quest to get those poor people their free burritos! At least he’s got his priorities straight after this newfound fame.