The final space shuttle flight drew to a close today as Atlantis touched down at Cape Canaveral. In the words of astronaut Sandy Magnus: “Every vehicle has its life. We’ve known the shuttle is going to retire for a very long time
Fact: Fridays were banned in Nazi Germany. So let’s take a moment to be thankful that we all still live in countries that allow the work week to end at all! Vatican Cat Cartoon by Mike Luckovich Looks like a high-pressure hadouken moving in
Father and son duo Chris and Kenneth Bray took a picture together at the first and last space shuttle launches. Titled “the photo we waited 30 years to complete,” on Chris’ Flickr page, it is a profound tribute to an adventurous time in our history
In honour of the final launch of NASA’s last active Space Shuttle orbiter, Atlantis today, here’s a few images of when it was being built back in 1985! Submitted by: Unknown