Looks Like Spray Tanning is Easier Than Spray Sunscreen PinterestFacebookTwitter The First Day of Summer is the Worst Don’t worry, in a few scant hours you’ll be molting away like all the other pale kids. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter This is The Cost You Pay for Crocs! In some cultures, the sudden onset of wound-like patterns on the skin of the top of the feet is called “Croc-mata.” Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter Good Game of Basketball, I Assume? Using an intense mathematical algorithm, we can now determine your shirt size using only the ratios available to us in your burned and un-burned skin! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter Like a Sunburn Submitted by: icscott PinterestFacebookTwitter Is That A Discman?! PinterestFacebookTwitter You’ve Got Green on You PinterestFacebookTwitter Wearing Gas Masks To Cover The B.O. Smell PinterestFacebookTwitter Furries Are All Ages PinterestFacebookTwitter
The First Day of Summer is the Worst Don’t worry, in a few scant hours you’ll be molting away like all the other pale kids. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
This is The Cost You Pay for Crocs! In some cultures, the sudden onset of wound-like patterns on the skin of the top of the feet is called “Croc-mata.” Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Good Game of Basketball, I Assume? Using an intense mathematical algorithm, we can now determine your shirt size using only the ratios available to us in your burned and un-burned skin! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter