A while back, a picture of myself got to the front page and a bunch of people wanted a close-up picture of my eye. Well, I finally got one. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Oh Bears, You So Fancy Cons: no privacy, no toilet paper, you can’t lean back, it might collapse, very very cold. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Good Thing We Had These Giant Stilts Laying Arround And due to superstition, the front door was never opened again. ~NSHA Submitted by: John Naegle PinterestFacebookTwitter
Works Two Jobs, I Guess inb4 Business in the front, party in the back. Submitted by: SR1977 PinterestFacebookTwitter
Probably Bad News: Funny Police Reports.com! This Is Why I Never Call A mother reported receiving annoying collect phone calls from her 28-year-old son, at 1:56am, none of which she accepted. PinterestFacebookTwitter