Boo…booo…beep…We’re sorry, but the time you dialed is no longer in service or is currently being destroyed. Please withdraw to the nearest time or parallel dimension and try your jump again
Sorry if this ruins anyone’s childhood, but it’s time you know the truth. True love shouldn’t remain hidden, like turtles in a sewer. It should be celebrated aggressively via strange gifs and fan art! Huzzah!
UPDATE: that was fast! The video has already been taken down I’m not really sure what Warner Brothers Entertainment has to do with a celeb’s personal choices outside the studio, but such is life I guess…
Disclaimer: party video with drug use of some kind, so I’m saying not appropriate for work.
Get it while it’s hot! Might get taken off YouTube soon so here it is. Some people say weed, some say Saliva, some say “who cares”.