On the flipside…not so sure what’s going on with the new and not so safe for work Godzilla figure that’s currently being produced and sold in Japan as part of that pre-movie hype. Here’s another look at the figure:
A quick look through some of the following reactions, and you’ll see many of us are at a loss for words here…

The Joy of Old People Watching Star Wars: The Force Awaken's Trailer Will Feed Your Hype For Its Release

The Quality of This Fan-Made Trailer for the Star Wars Prequels is Making Me Nervous for the Force Awakens

If Max Nicholson can make the prequels look this good with a Force Awakens inspired trailer, what does that mean for The Force Awakens? It has some amazing trailers, but what if it turns out to be as bad as the prequels did? The suspense is too much!