In the spirit of Valentines Day, we’d like to give you the opportunity to let that inner geek express their true love for office supplies! We all know how much you really love your swingline stapler and stare at all the time. Or how you love the color of a particular pocket folder and get nervous when someone asks to borrow it for just a second. It’s okay. It’s time to proclaim your true love for office supplies.
Why should you admit to the world that you really love office supplies? Well, we’re giving away a netbook to someone who will be so bold! Here’s how to win your own HP Mini 311 Netbook.
1. Follow us on twitter – @shoplet
2. Proclaim your love! Tweet the message – RT @shoplet [Insert your item that you love and feelings about it] #iloveoffice http://bit.ly/bkNARGHere’s an example – RT @shoplet I’m in love with whoever invited wrist rests. I can’t live without mine! #iloveoffice http://bit.ly/bkNARG
3. Watch and wait for your username to be announced on twitter!
Wasn’t that easy?
Here’s the extra hint:The more followers we get the MORE NETBOOKS we’ll giveaway!! CNET gives the HP Mini 311 an excellent review. I’ve seen the box and that alone looks pretty awesome. Our IT guy has already tried to keep it for himself. That’s saying something right?
Happy winning and as always email marketing[at]shoplet.com with any questions!
(and if you don’t have a twitter account, you can sign up for one at ww.twitter.com)