Tags archives: tuesday





Justin Bieber Breaks Foot; Gets Piggyback Ride From Security

Cutie Justin Bieber hops on the back of one o his security guys as he performs on stage at the M.E.N. Arena in Manchester, England, with a cast on his broken foot on Tuesday evening (November 24). The 15-year-old musician injured his foot during his concert with pal Taylor Swift on Monday at the Wembley Arena.

The duo even posted a new video about Justin’s foot where Taylor shared, “You know, ‘Break A Leg’ was a figure of speech. I didn’t mean for you to take it literally.” Tay continued, “But this guy [points to Justin] broke his foot on stage, in front of 12,000 people. And finished the song!” source.


Miley Cyrus LA Concert Pics

58453684Super teen Miley Cyrus recently put on an amazing concert in Los Angelas on Tuesday (September 22nd). Other Disney stars such as Debby Ryan, Matt Prokop, and Nicole Anderson all came out to support that Hannah Montana Star! I thought Matt hated Miley? oh well.. Check out more pictures under this post!  source.







I Kissed a Vampire Trailer

Check out the trailer for a new web series starring Disney’s Lucas Gabreel and Drew Seeley! Lucas from High school Musical and Drew from Another cinderella story. The pair both play vampires in the upcoming I Kissed a Vampire!