Tags archives: united-states


Keeping Up With Your Neighbors

Check out the website If It Were My Home. You can compare statistics between the United States and everywhere else to discover great icebreakers such as, “did you know Canadians have 4.01% more free time than Americans?” Dammit Canada, now I see why you’re so nice.


The American Way?

The United States of America. A Christian nation where “Thou shalt not kill” only applies to the lives of Americans. LoL by: PancakeMomm Picture by: Unknown







Happy Vladentine’s Day!

I know it is not Vladurday, but a few Putin-inspired valentines have made their way to my internetz, and I thought I would share them with you. I wish you all a very romantic Vladentine’s Day , which is a real holiday and not one I just made up! Submitted by: Alexand3rS


Greetings from Theodore Roosevelt

Ugh, I never receive this kind of awesome mail. I only receive Pottery Barn calendars and bills from my cable company that get “mysteriously lost” between my mailbox and my front door. I guess it’s time I consider joining the United States Senate