Tags archives: vacation-photos




Today in Art Appreciation

“Painter” Jon McNaughton has released his latest “painting” which features a man holding up the constitution… and an inexplicable wad of cash. So what I’m getting from this is that he’s trying to scalp the constitution right in front of the White House. And look! John Madison is begging him not to do it





Stephen Colbert vs. @Sweden

Comedian Stephen Colbert asserted on The Colbert Report that he wants to take control of @Sweden, Sweden’s Twitter account run by a different Swedish national each week. Soccer player Henok Goitom, the current Swede of the Week, is kinda-sorta up to the challenge after finally learning who Colbert is from his followers. You can catch the continuing story @Sweden and @ColbertReport


Standing Once More

The final steel beam was lifted atop Four World Trade Center today. It’s brethren One World Trade Center is expected to reach its full height later this summer also. Submitted by: Unknown Via: MSNBC