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Jessica Lowndes Tricked Everyone Into Thinking She Was Engaged to Jon Lovitz to Promote a Music Video

video internets Jessica Lowndes Tricked Everyone Into Thinking She Was Engaged to Jon Lovitz to Promote a Music Video

According to sources all over the internet, comedian Jon Lovitz got engaged to 27-year-old Jessica Lowndes over the Easter weekend. If you’re not a fan of the TV show ‘90210’, or moderately successful pop music then you might be asking… who?

If you saw the story you might have Googled her to find out after the serious love affair went viral. So then apparently the act, and this bizarre, pop-up video style music video were all worth it:

She’s admitted the “early April Fools” joke on her Instagram so it looks like their “relationship” is over. Sorry, Jon Lovitz, time to go back to lurking in the shadows.

via briansgifs