Where Else But the Subway? (Where will you be when the acid kicks in?) LoL by: Greencliff Picture by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite (Efren Ramirez) Totally Looks Like Andrea Ferro (Lacuna Coil) Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite (Efren Ramirez) Totally Looks Like Andrea Ferro (Lacuna Coil) Look-alike by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
It’s Never Okay To Cry Even when you accidentally lose a thumb due to your visual obstruction, YOU STILL CAN’T CRY. ~NSHA Submitted by: Spaesee PinterestFacebookTwitter
Visual Aid America turned around, bent over and S&P went… ( Barack Obama ) LoL by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Things That Are Doing It: Finally, a Visual That Makes Sense Submitted by: sixonefive72 PinterestFacebookTwitter
What Debt Looks Like All my visual-learners, click the picture to see just how many Benjamin’s in the hole America is right now. (It gets much worse than this, trust me.) PinterestFacebookTwitter
TLL Classics: Harriet Tubman Totally Looks Like E.T. Harriet Tubman Totally Looks Like E.T. Hipster Harriet liked looking like an alien before it became a classic: Thanks to our friends at Historic LOLs for the visual! PinterestFacebookTwitter