Oh Come On, Blue Tape is so Cheap! I guess this acts as a warning to other drivers about your insurance policy. ~NSHA Submitted by: LechePer PinterestFacebookTwitter
The Student Movers They learned their trade by carefully studying the Jawa Sandcrawler. ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Sometimes All You Need To Fix And you know, whatever you find laying in your grandparent’s basement. That usually does the trick. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Test Monthly. By Plugging In Everything You Can. Nothing says bathroom safety like a self-installed surge protector. PinterestFacebookTwitter
The Best Way To Fix Overheating A little fresh air, some sunlight and some water. Just a few short weeks and they’ll grow into dual core! ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Preparing For Your Paradise Apocalypse As an avid fan of of Dead Island I can attest that the amount of running around in this game really does feel like exercise. ~NSHA Submitted by: Mr47 PinterestFacebookTwitter
Wheelchair, The Early Days It’s a great budget option, unless you’re leaking for comfort. Or functionality. PinterestFacebookTwitter