Straight From Rio These Are the Best Olympic News Bloopers

Witty Girlfriend Leaves the Most Adorable Post-its For Her Boyfriend Everyday
All of this cuteness is too much.
The internet was shook with feels when Redditor General-ColinBile posted these post-its “visited my younger cousin and noticed how his girlfriend shows love”.
To give context he wrote — “They were posted on his bathroom mirror. I took them down for better picture taking… Amazingly even at his age, he’s mature enough to see she’s someone special.”
Someone special indeed.
Trying to Win a Gold Medal While Your Phone is Blowing Up
When you’re fencing in the Olympics but your timeline is still lit. 🔥📱
— NBC Olympics (@NBCOlympics) August 9, 2016
People Taking Pictures of Their #BeardsFromBelow Are Making Everyone Else Feel a Little Weird
Did you know that if you take a picture of your beard from under your chin it might look a little like a shrunken head without a face? Yeah… neither did we. Until now. People keep taking these creepy photos of their beards and… it’s really not okay.
This Baker Boy Is Only 8 but He's Working on a Recipe for Success
Who Knew Flying a Kite Would Be a Full Body Workout?
Girl Puts Together Romantic Photoshoot to Express Her Love For Finally Getting a Job
Benita Abraham knows the struggle is real to get a job. So, when she finally got the call that she is officially off the job market she decided to pose for a hilarious photoshoot to celebrate the occasion.
Congratulations, Benita! We wish you and your new job the best.