Tags archives: you-sign


Woman Has Taylor Swift Autograph Tattooed On Stomach

swifty-craig-2Singer Taylor Swift is still adjusting to her fans pestering her for autographs, but the 19-year-old was downright horrified when a 40-year-old fan had her autograph tattooed across her midsection. Taylor initially thought the middle-aged woman was joking and couldn’t believe it when she returned with the ink etched on her skin. Taylor said: “I was signing autographs one time when this woman asked, ‘Can you sign my stomach? I’m going to get it tattooed on!’ I was like, ‘Yeah, alright. Sure.’ I signed it really big across her stomach. She came back an hour later with it tattooed on. I’m not kidding. And she was in her 40s, so old enough to know better. That’s dedication though!”


Noah & Frankie dating?

6a00e54edfa92d88330120a5b8d268970b-800wiMiley’s sister Noah Cyrus took to her Twitter and posted a photo with her boyfriend, Frankie Jonas with the following message, “me and my boyy. i love you frankie! forever and always.” Awww… To be young and “in love”!!