I’M ON A HORSE I’m on a horse. Anything is possible when you use Mother Russia body wash. (Vladimir Putin) PinterestFacebookTwitter
My Gentleman Bits Are Worn To Dust! Monorail commuter finds track rather damaged, produces excessive wear on undercarriage. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Compromise: Only Works For Gangs Peace offering frum East side to West side. May your homies be plentiful and prosperous. (Barack Obama) PinterestFacebookTwitter
Yeah, the French surrendered to a huge invading Nazi army. Yeah, the French surrendered to a huge invading Nazi army. They don’t surrender to their own government, though. Unlike some people. LoL by: EWAdams PinterestFacebookTwitter
Worker Boats: Backbone Of The Colony After a hard days work of collecting pollen, the worker boats return to their hive. LoL by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
There He Is! The Chosen One! He’s NOT the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy! LoL by: Molly_B Picture by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter