More Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas news

dem (3)Zack Taylor, who had been accused of fabricating stories about Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas dating, is now hitting the circuits to defend his credibility. On November 5, after weeks of rumors about a possible romance between Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas, Demi Lovato vehemently denied the rumors. She also used Twitter to chastise gossipers, saying “It’s ufortunate that some people out there are so desperate for attention that they have to make up gossip to keep their site alive. But that’s how this whole city works I guess. It just makes me sad that people are that mean in this world.”Yet Zack Taylor claims to have confirmation from Demi Lovato’s mother, Dianna DeLaGarza, that her daughter and Joe Jonas were in fact dating, even posting screen caps of text messages from Dianna DeLaGarza as proof.  As Zack Taylor explains in a Kiss 92.5 interview, he had not intended to reveal his source, but that he was forced to when Demi Lovato and her mother threatened to deny the story (thereby undermining his credibility). In essence, he has accused Demi Lovato and her mother of lying to fans and destroying his reputation over the Joe Jonas story.

He also provides screen caps of numerous Twitter DMs from Demi Lovato who allegedly writes, “It made me so sad when she [Dianna] said ’so this is what I get for being nice to people.’ Please don’t do this to her. She doesn’t deserve it at all!”

You can visit Zack Taylor’s blog for more complete details.

Whether Demi Lovato or Joe Jonas are dating or not, it’s their choice. I’m not taking sides. I’m just giving readers a chance to see both sides of the story. 

Looking at the screen caps and reading his testimony, does Zack Taylor make a compelling case? Or do you believe Demi Lovato when she promises that she would never lie to her fans?



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