Tags archives: outfit





demi at AMA gift lounge

Hottie Demi Lovato showed up at AMA gift longue with black rayband sunglasses. She’s probably didn’t have any make up on. I love her outfit thought. Check out more pictures of her under this post!


Brenda Song – This is It

091027-55Wendy Wu actress Brenda Song rocked a sequin jacket tonight in Los Angeles. Brenda was attending the Hollywood premiere of the Michael Jackson tribute movie This is It. Brenda is currently a star on Disney’s The Suite Life on Deck, where she plays the rich London Tipton. Good news! The Suite Life has just been signed for a third season! I just love the outfit, its gorgeous!



What happened to Rihanna?

Rihanna-Turned-Away-From-Church-682x1024I’m sure its not only me. I think that Rihanna has changed alot, with her music and her style! Changing is good but sometimes bad. I miss the old Rihanna dont you? Also tell me what you think about this outfit.


Hayden’s Stabbing Fears

58428696Heroes star Hayden Panettiere recently admitted that she is scared that Heroes fans will go too far and stab her. On the show, Hayden plays Claire, a chearleader who can heal herself. “I’m just afraid somebody’s going to stab me one day and think that my power is real and they expect me to start healing. I’ve been thinking about that since the first season, I’m like, ‘What if somebody really thought I was indestructible?’ Because I’ve heard some wacky things come out of people’s mouths that you go, ‘Guys, it’s not real’.” source.


Jordan Pruitt does Neutrogena Event

58494586One Love singer Jordan Pruitt stepped out on Saturday afternoon to attend Neutrogena’s Fresh Face Event in Los Angelas. Jordan hit up the red carpet in a blue dress, and then changed to a purple one to perform a new song off her upcoming album! I love her outfit, she looks more beautiful now then ever before. Check out more pictures under this post



rare Miley Cyrus photoshoot!

3958838825_efa8158dde_oThese are rare pictures from Miley Cyrus’ photoshoot. Maybe they took them away because they didnt turn out good? i dont know. Anyways they are from RPM fansite! I love her outfit and her hair she looks so good (as always) Be sure to check out more pictures under this post!




hot or not?