Tags archives: work



Cardboard Paintings

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Today I’d like to give a shout out to Mr. Gavin Worth who has brought new life to old pieces of cardboard. Yeah we all have torn up cardboard boxes stored around the house and even more at the office. Somehow I always convince myself that I should keep boxes to use for presents or to store things in but in the end I just end up having a pile of torn boxes with items falling out underneath my bed.

Anyways, let’s focus on these works of art. Mr. Worth says about these beautiful paintings
“I’m love experimenting with common materials. I was cutting cardboard for a project one day when I noticed the inherent layers and almost sculptural depth inside cardboard. That coupled with a recent trip to see Japanese paintings at the Asian Art Museum got me good and set to do these. They’re generally all made out of single pieces of cardboard”

These are so simple and beautiful. I would love to have on of them in my apartment. If you’re interested in more of his work head over to his website He does really cool wire sculptures and designs.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Zac Efron looks Unhappy..

Zac EfronVenturing out for a tasty treat, Zac Efron was spotted dropping by Nuba Falafel Restaurant in Vancouver, Canada on Saturday (October 10). Unhappy to find paparazzi awaiting his exit, the former Disney hunk covered up his face as he left the local eatery while taking advantage of a little downtime from filming “The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud”.  In related news, Zac recently chatted with Nylon Guys about his work on “Me and Orson Welles” – telling that it was the first flick he was proud to go see.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever watched a movie [that I’m in] and in the end I’m like ‘OK! I didn’t check my watch once!’ “ he explains. As for the pop stardom he achieved with his “High School Musical” gigs, Efron tells, “I try not to look at all of it. You can’t enjoy or celebrate it; it’s not a real thing. The face on the lunchbox and s*** – you can’t share that with your friends.”

Zac Efron




Miley’s message to us about her twitter

3904926709_31008d47f8_oTo My Dearest Fans Sat, Oct 10, 2009 To my dearest fans, You all are the closest thing to my heart & it breaks my spirit to hear that some of you feel neglected since I deleted my twitter. It was a wonderful way to stay connected to you & I really felt like during that time we became very much like friends. Twitter is a beautiful thing if used for the right reason. I love my job so much that it is hard to believe sometimes that it is considered “working. But, in the end it is still a business and I do need some sort of a “normal” life as well. I often complain to the ones closest to me that I don’t seem to have much of a private life any more and part of that is my fault. How can I whine about my life being to public if I am the one telling the world what I am doing? Some things in my life need to say in my life only and not on some gossip site. I never want any of my fans to feel like I don’t love them or care about them BUT, sharing the same love and respect for me I need to have the space to grow as a person and make some mistakes. I need to be able to live and learn in private. I never want to quit entertaining it is my life, my love, and my passion but I can’t have my personal life be other peoples entertainment.

source: http://www.mileycyrus.com’

Twitter is not the only thing I am cutting back on. This is not an attack against this particular site, I just think kids all over the world could maybe take a little vacation from Cyberspace. My problem with the internet is it makes negativity so available. It allows people to anonymously hurt others without any consequences. That is not the real world. Not only that, but if we spent more time enjoying what we are doing besides tweeting about it, we would enjoy our lives a whole lot more. I have very little free time and the moments that I do have I should be spending with my family and friends and loving every minute of their company.

Now of course rumors have been started that Liam is the reason that I deleted my twitter. I hope my true fans know how stupid that is. I had mentioned to him that someone made a fake twitter with his name and we both starting chatting about how ridiculous it is. Liam is a wonderful friend and he did not try to make me delete my page, he just helped me realize how much time I was wasting on that site.

I really hope you all know how much you mean to me and how much I truly care about each and every one of you. I will keep in touch through Mileyworld and MileyCyrus.com as I did before twitter. I love you all.
Miley Cyrus



Dirk & Demi flirt with each other

OMG! isnt this just the cutest thing ever? Rumored to be dating, Dirk Mai and Demi Lovato flirted with each other on twitter. Demi commented on his picture saying “ i like you’re face” and not long after he commented “I love yours more” with a wink. But then again, dirk’s face looks like trace cyrus? hmm.


Demi Lovato Photoshoot!

normal_003Check it out, Newly released photoshoot of Demi Lovato from earlier in the year. Alot of really cute pictures taken, check them out under this post. tell me which one is your fave, thanks!

source: is already in the pictures!



Hayden Panettiere’s Lesbian kiss!

6a00e54edfa92d88330120a5c99306970b-800wiHeroes must be desperate for ratings, because the NBC series is throwing in some lesbo action to the storyline!! The above just released photo shows Hayden Panettiere’s character, Claire, “discovering that her roommate Gretchen may have a hidden agenda.”  Will this work for the tankin’ show?!


Demi, ‘I’ve Learned A Lot Friend-Wise’

96kubnHottie Demi Lovato talked to Popstar! about her ’style makeover’ this past year: ’During Camp Rock I had no idea who I was. Before Camp Rock, I used to have black hair and always wore really dark eye makeup and all black clothes. I was pretty dark.’ Demi underwent a ‘Disney makeover’ before she started filming. ‘They cut my bangs and dyed my hair reddish and fixed my gap and I went through this transformation and I started getting more girlie.. I’ve been going back and forth ever since then. I feel like there’s a way to mix the two and still know who you are. I’ve been through so much in the past year, anyone in my position would have. Even just friend-wise, relationship-wise, career-wise you learn a lot. I’ve matured.’ source.