Tags archives: dating



British Dating Show 'Naked Attraction' Aired Last Night and People Weren't Ready for the Genitals

naked,twitter,list,naked dating,british tv,TV,genitals,dating,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv

The new dating show ‘Naked Attraction’ had its pilot episode last night and people are still trying to figure out what the hell they just watched.

Contestants go prehistoric and are stripped of all clothing. Leaving viewers with some disturbing sights they may never unsee.

RULES: One contestant gets shown six naked people (starting with the genitals), and eliminates people one at a time. The show ends with the final contestants naked, hugging, and set up for a future fully clothed date.





Calvin Harris Wants Nothing to Do With a New Taylor Swift Breakup Song

taylor swift,twitter,calvin harris,list,breakup,dating

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris split in early June and now Calvin Harris is worried T-Swift is about to write a song about him.

Today, Calvin Harris took to Twitter to kindly ask Taylor Swift to leave him alone. T-Swift, who is known to write lyrics and songs about ex-boyfriends, has been talking smack about Calvin Harris in order to create some sort of Hollywood drama (aka fuel for a new song).

Just two star crossed lovers… amirite ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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