Literature Brings You To New Heights Funny, everything written by Dan Brown doesn’t have enough substance. PinterestFacebookTwitter
For When You’re Browsing Some Hot Sites OSX Snow Leopard only operates in certain environments. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Hot Enough For You? What an idiot! All he had to do was use the tap! ~NSHA Submitted by: JamieKitson Via: PinterestFacebookTwitter
Never Forget Your Network Key Again The wireless version is much less practical. PinterestFacebookTwitter
There’s No Way This Could End Poorly When going through tunnels, seeing a light at the end isn’t such a relief. ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
House of Pain It jumped around one too many times. ¬NSHA Submitted by: master baiter PinterestFacebookTwitter
Scaffolding, You’re Doing It Right The Monty Python foot is not gonna be happy when it tries to step on this. ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Paint First, Rescue Later I know I should climb up to the helicopter before the building collapses, but that spot really needs some primer. ~NSHA Submitted by: Pato PinterestFacebookTwitter
The Keys To Power They’re not grounded in any sort of solid science. ~NSHA Submitted by: JAmBer PinterestFacebookTwitter
Plastic is Conductive, Right? If not, at least it makes gives off that sweet aroma when burned. PinterestFacebookTwitter