Lawn Bowling Comes To The South Whatever ball you use must be made of fruit. So close Ralph, so close PinterestFacebookTwitter
A Rare Glimpse At This Site’s Moderator Now you know why they call me Not-So-Handy Andy. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Red Green Crosses Lake Superior Although much less prevalent, illegal border-crossings from Canada are much more entertaining. PinterestFacebookTwitter
And Extra Space To Boot! This was the net result of the first stage of expansion. ~NSHA Submitted by: Travistey Travis PinterestFacebookTwitter
Yet Another Decent Battery For The Droid™ A step above the best-selling first model . PinterestFacebookTwitter
Skateboarding In Iraq According to Redditor Snard88, his buddy is currently serving in Iraq without his trusty skateboard. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Board? Go Biking! It’s not about the destination, it’s about ruining the journey. PinterestFacebookTwitter
What a Leech Just like the top bunk, you don’t want it because it’s better, you want it because your brother chose it first. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Disposable Taps Are Easily Replaceble For a few cents more you could buy the fancier, more complex version. It’s a little crazy though. PinterestFacebookTwitter
It Couldn’t Take The Blame Anymore It’s not his fault you chose the cheapest internet service that loses connectivity every 45 minutes. ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter