Tags archives: pokemon-go


Pokémon GO! Has Been out Less than a Month, and It's Already Inspired Dating Apps Like These

Pokémon,news,pokemon go,Video Game Coverage,tinder,dating apps,video games,nintendo,dating

In less than a month Pokémon GO! has taken this planet by storm. Look around you, and you’re apt to see someone with a fixed gaze on their phones, swiping upwards aggressively, scowling at their screens, trying to catch ’em all.

It’s insane how big this game is. Pokémon GO! is more popular than Tinder right now, and was more popular than porn for a brief bit of time as well. Plus Pokémon GO! is tracking more than 21 million daily active users, so that’s pretty damn chill…


Watch This Guy Shamelessly Confess to Police That He Was Playing Pokémon GO! After Hitting Police Car

Two things that really got me going here: One, it’s almost like he thought by showing the police he was playing Pokémon GO! that he thought it’d be all chill after. Second, I’m pretty sure he was still trying to catch whatever it was that got him in the accident, after being confronted by the cops for CRASHING into a cop car! Sheesh, man. Come on.




Guy Playing Pokémon GO with a Warrant out for His Arrest Ends up Walking Himself Right into Police Custody


Sometimes we lose ourselves amidst the pursuit to catch ’em all…Let’s just hope that this fool over in Milford, Michigan wasn’t actually trying to catch a Parasect before he was apprehended by police authorities.

Chief Thomas Lindberg said the man (William Wilcox) just made it easy, by showing up. Wilcox, a repeat offender with a warrant out for his arrest, ended up right in front of the men that’d go on to take him into custody.

“It was a misdemeanor warrant for a failure to appear on a breaking and entering charge,” Lindberg said. “They approached him. Took him in custody without incident and he admitted he was trying to catch the character at the flagpole.”