Tags archives: story




Sky Art Protest WIN

In protest of a controversial LA law that limits the painting of street murals, graffiti artist SABER paid a group of skywriters to write the names of several famous LA taggers in the airspace around city hall. Check the rest of the story at The Daily What! Submitted by: Unknown Via: TDW



Same Old Story

Breaking News – Gadhafi: “sorry” “can change” “just needs one more chance” “baby, please” ( Condoleezza Rice and Moammar Gadhafi ) LoL by: popnothingidiot Picture by: Unknown


Great Scott Ad WIN

So, according to the story that’s going around, this is actually just a very well-done advertisement for an Argentinian electronics chain. The production on it is surprisingly well-done however. Not that I’m secretly hoping that this is a viral tie-in a franchise reboot or anything… What do you think WINners?