The First Day of Summer is the Worst Don’t worry, in a few scant hours you’ll be molting away like all the other pale kids. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Please Say That’s Spray-Tan Wait, no, that doesn’t make sense. OH GOD WHAT AM I LOOKING AT. PinterestFacebookTwitter
This is The Cost You Pay for Crocs! In some cultures, the sudden onset of wound-like patterns on the skin of the top of the feet is called “Croc-mata.” Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Good Game of Basketball, I Assume? Using an intense mathematical algorithm, we can now determine your shirt size using only the ratios available to us in your burned and un-burned skin! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Regular and Barbecue “Extra Crispy” is the one holding the camera, for the record. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
She’s Ready for the Road Warrior Future I mean, clearly her hide is tanned and scorched like the best of them. Bring on the gasoline shortage! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter