Tags archives: the-end


Book Suggestion WIN

Happy “Final Twilight Movie Release Day” everybody! Celebrate by finding some actual literature to digest! I know my China Mieville books need a little attention at the end of the day. Submitted by: Unknown





“Reccomendable,” That’s All We Can Say

I remember the days… Those barbecue dinners at the end of the summer, the days shortening gradually as summer gave way to fall. My dad would fire up the grill and cook a sizzling steak as I pondered the coming season, reflecting on the eternal passing of nature. We would eat the meal in pensive silence, drenching our food in “reccomendable” sauce.



Labor Day WINs

Hey there everybody! It’s Labor Day over in the United States, which technically means that everyone’s celebrating how hard they work by taking a mandatory day off. Consider this a photo essay as to most Americans’ days Most fridges will look like this (hopefully): Beer: It’s like magic – for your mouth! College kids will probably be celebrating their first official holiday as well. Of course, remember to stay safe, folks! Ideally this is what everything will look like at the end of the day: Celebrate some more over at holidays.failblog.org!