Tags archives: the-internets



Commenters Correctly Diagnosed a Woman With a Rare Genetic Disorder

image medicine social media Commenters Correctly Diagnosed a Woman With a Rare Genetic Disorder

This woman posted a photo gallery of her story on Imgur which led to a diagnosis of a genetic disease that affects connective tissues called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). She explains the backstory in the description of the follow up picture post:

Five months ago, I posted “The Story Of A Broken Dancer.” In this post, I told the story of how all I’ve ever wanted was to be a professional dancer, but that countless injuries and unexplained medical issues were coming in between me and my dream. Well, after posting this, hundreds of Imgurians commented on the post and messaged me saying I should look at different conditions or diseases they thought I had, but one that I received overwhelmingly was “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Hyper Mobility Type III.” I looked into it and decided it was worth a shot to get the testing done, and as of this morning, I have been officially confirmed to have EDS.

You can look through her original gallery right here:

Story Of A Broken Dancer


Jessica Lowndes Tricked Everyone Into Thinking She Was Engaged to Jon Lovitz to Promote a Music Video

video internets Jessica Lowndes Tricked Everyone Into Thinking She Was Engaged to Jon Lovitz to Promote a Music Video

According to sources all over the internet, comedian Jon Lovitz got engaged to 27-year-old Jessica Lowndes over the Easter weekend. If you’re not a fan of the TV show ‘90210’, or moderately successful pop music then you might be asking… who?

If you saw the story you might have Googled her to find out after the serious love affair went viral. So then apparently the act, and this bizarre, pop-up video style music video were all worth it:

She’s admitted the “early April Fools” joke on her Instagram so it looks like their “relationship” is over. Sorry, Jon Lovitz, time to go back to lurking in the shadows.

via briansgifs


A Waitress Got a Lot of Hate After Tweeting About Her Tip From George W. Bush With a 9/11 Joke

memes george w bush A Waitress Got a Lot of Hate After Tweeting About Her Tip From George W. Bush With a 9/11 Joke

This woman went to work as a server and had President George W. Bush and his wife as customers. Apparently, they were pretty nice and left a “hella” tip. When she shared the picture they took together she referenced the conspiracy theory that “Bush did 9/11” as a joke.

At first it was funny, but she got more attention than she planned on getting.

The Tweet also got a lot of hate. Eventually it became necessary to let people know that she wasn’t serious.

Come on, Internet, can’t you guys take a joke?






Stick a Fork in Him

Jon Stewart reacts to Donald Trump’s inappropriate pizza etiquette last night on “The Daily Show.” …And (surprise!) The Donald takes to the internets to defend his egregious usage of fork. The Donald likes “not to eat the crust.” Already noted in my scrapbook.