Tags archives: the-kids







¡Dios Mío!

Bad Hair - In no way should this guy give a thumbs up about anything.Submitted by: Anna

Señor Goldberg takes an odd tack in trying to explain to his Spanish class the difference between masculine and feminine nouns. Needless to say, the kids left class un poco confuso.


Start The Wizard of Oz When I Roar for the Third Time

Bad Hair - Hubba HubbaSubmitted by: Kelli

Oh. Hello, there. Looks like you’ve found my. . . lair, as I like to call it. I was just about to get out of this coat and tie so I could chase down and kill a gazelle. And by “chase down and kill a gazelle,” I mean “enjoy a wine cooler.” You’re. . . down with that, as the kids would say, right? Yes? Oh good. Here, have a Zima.