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British Dating Show 'Naked Attraction' Aired Last Night and People Weren't Ready for the Genitals

naked,twitter,list,naked dating,british tv,TV,genitals,dating,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv,british tv

The new dating show ‘Naked Attraction’ had its pilot episode last night and people are still trying to figure out what the hell they just watched.

Contestants go prehistoric and are stripped of all clothing. Leaving viewers with some disturbing sights they may never unsee.

RULES: One contestant gets shown six naked people (starting with the genitals), and eliminates people one at a time. The show ends with the final contestants naked, hugging, and set up for a future fully clothed date.




The Internet Reacts to Graham, an Indestructible Humanoid Designed to Survive Car Crashes

crash dummy,twitter,list,psa,juggernaut,australia,stoner sloth

Australia has a known reputation to get a little absurd with their PSAs. Their most recent campaign paid for by Australia’s Transport Accident Commission depicts a hairy man with no neck, air bag nipples, and a Juggernaut-style head built to survive any car wreck.

A trauma surgeon and crash expert joined forces to create Graham and, like Stoner Sloth, the internet instantly fell in love with him.

Buckle up for safety! But, if you’ve got hundreds of nipples you should be legit.