Taylor Swift Gears Up for Halloween

58629290While others are getting dolled up for Halloween, Taylor Swift won’t be putting on any sexy Halloween costume. The singer says she isn’t into the whole “teeny tiny” Halloween costumes and even took the leap into a Chewbacca costume from Star Wars last year.  “I think my most memorable Halloween costume was last year’s Halloween costume,” Taylor said. “My best friend Abigail and I have always been sort of anti-teeny-tiny, little costumes. And so last year, Abigail and I dressed up as twin Chewbaccas…”And surprisingly some people still couldn’t tell what they were. “People were like: ‘You’re an abominable snowman’. I’m like: ‘It’s Chewbacca!’ “I felt all the girls in our school kind of used Halloween as an excuse to take all their clothes off and parade around. They would tan weeks in advance, so that they could bare it all on Halloween.” But Swift likes to keep a tradition-a tradition. “I’m like: ‘That’s not the point’. You’re supposed to be scary.”





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