Cosmetic surgery group MYA conducted an experiement using this woman’s image to create two fake Tinder profiles. The profiles were identical except for two things, the researchers digitally enhanced “Carla’s” cleavage in one profile to see if it would get a different response. Each profile swiped right on 1000 men.
via MYA
The larger busted Carla got 34% more matches. They also got different interactions from the men she matched with.
Men seemed more interested in getting to know “A-cup Carla”
via MYA
The more voluptious Carla got many more comments on her appearance.
via MYA
The researchers concluded that going up one cup size would boost attractiveness to men by 9%. Keep in mind that this experiment was run by a cosmetic surgery group.
Even MYA itself warns that, “while this was a fun experiment, it’s important that if you’re seriously considering breast enlargement that you do so for your own body confidence and personal choice, not to please the opposite sex.”
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