Jerry’s Russian mail-order bride—finally scheduled to arrive at the train depot tonight—had asked him, “You wheel whet for me on da platforms, yes?” He was just trying to make her happy.
What? Teaching third grade doesn’t exactly pay the big bucks, okay? Miss Janie’s got bills to pay. This modeling gig helps with all the mouths she has to feed. Nine cats are a lot of work.
Feeling a little ill after this picture? How about a nice, hawt palette cleanser? All better.
Nice try, lady, but you can’t fool me. I fell for that trick once back in ’95, and will never again believe someone when they try to convince me that they have two butts. You hear me, Tonya “Two Butts” Tuscadero, IF THAT’S EVEN YOUR REAL NAME?
Does the end game of every fashion trend have to be nudity? What’s next? Selling me a square inch of fabric to tape to my left knee and calling it a pair of jeans?
The dark underbelly of college football. Many players who suffer career-ending head injuries in their first season lose their athletic scholarships and are forced to pay for the remainder of their education through other means.
Hey, give the lady a break, okay? She’s riding her bike to work today instead of driving. She’ll work on the facial hair after she fits into that dress she bought for her high school reunion. One self-improvement battle at a time.
You have to admire the ingenuity here. I had no idea that you could make an entire business-casual ensemble using a single variety pack of Fruit Roll-Ups.
You knew that when your hipster friend Shireee (she insists on the third e) dragged you to some warehouse in a bad neighborhood for an “art opening slash spoken word performance slash flan tasting,” that it was going to be weird, but not THIS weird.
Uh oh. Bunnies may be cute and all, but as soon as you see one on the lawn, you know there are going to be hundreds of them ruining your garden this summer.